Monday, March 31, 2008

Crisis Bore

The good news: I've gotten my copy of Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII for $32 the weekend it came out. Not bad considering how I missed out on the releases of King of Fighters XI, Devil May Cry 4, and some other games upon the week they were released.

The bad news: Said copy of Crisis Core is sitting in a bag, unopened for two reasons; 1) An anticipated financial rough spot in the next week, which will result in me getting a refund if it happens, and 2) The game's firmware requirements (3.90 if I'm correct) - meaning either I can upgrade my PSP firmware from the official 3.30 to the official 3.90, locking the system out of any custom firmwares, or wait until I get a copy of Lumines from eBay, attempt to downgrade my PSP and get the latest working custom firmware, all while ever-so-slightly risking the PSP becoming bricked and thus unplayable.

The worse news: No blog layout change since whenever it was first announced, and another election-year month of crazy news items, easily summarizable in a format reminiscent of Harry Potter book titles:

*Eliot Spitzer and the Over-Priced Prostitute: Just as some "family values" people have managed to support anti-gay policies only to get caught up in the behavior they denounce, he goes after the same kind of people that he eventually became connected to. Of course, I doubt we'll hear of how straight guys are just hopelessly addicted to sexual sin and that it defines them entirely, or that the next time some openly gay person in public office gets in trouble that we'll see their partner standing behind them, but it would be something new for my cynical mind.

*Barack Obama and the Loud-Mouthed Preacher: Honestly, I don't see why Obama should have to distance himself so much because his pastor says some things similar to what other pastors have said, and why this is supposed to be all so discrediting. If we're going to discredit Obama over his past, there's other areas that would make more sense.

*The Iraq War and the 4,000 Dead Soldiers: I still remember back before the war how some around me believed that the war would be so quick and effortless, only to be given the false positive that was "Mission Accomplished" leading to this. It's not the body count that gets me here so much as the rock and the hard place that this country is between upon either withdrawing or sending in more troops and extending the time we spend over there. The icing on this cake of insanity is undoubtedly the way Cheney and his ilk were speaking out against messing around in Iraq some 10 years ago...we all know now just how much they really believed that.

*Brett Favre and the Questioned Manhood: Here's a guy who has had one long career with some accomplishments and moments of greatness who lets his guard down at the wrong time (while he was still in the camera sights) and he gets attacked for being a woman - by a woman. It wasn't funny when the press did it to Hillary, and it's not funny here. I'm just glad Favre was a retiring athlete and not a political contender, or this would be the beginning of the attacks and not the end (just look at how they treat Obama). What a way to send mixed signals that our men are supposed to be more than uncaring, unemotional brutes, then punish them for stepping out of said uncaring, unemotional appearance...[/sarcasm]

I have to conclude that you know the news - or rather what makes the news - is uninspiring and bad when you don't look forward to it as much as the plot (or in the case of Advent Children, the fight scenes) of yet another spinoff in a cash-cow franchise.

P.S.- My apologies to anyone who finds this post by search and thinks I'm bashing the game just by looking at the title...

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