Sunday, July 09, 2006

Pardon my laziness...

When I started this blog back at the end of May, I didn't think that I'd neglect it this much. Perhaps blogging isn't really for me, but I'm not going to give up yet. It's just that where the whole Windows/Linux experimenting stuff took lots of time away a couple weeks ago, now it's unexpected naps when I get home from work followed by 2 or 3 hours of Resident Evil 4. I swear, I've seen the "You Are Dead" screen more times in RE4 than the rest of the series combined, and I'm only in Chapter 3-1 of I don't know how many.

At this point, I may as well just say that I'll play around with the blog's template code when I'm damned well ready. It sounds much better than "maybe I'll do it this week" every week. Also, I still very much intend to get around to finding articles and essays on the web to rip apart. There's one I've had saved as a draft for a month now. That one ought to be ready by the next posting.

While at work earlier this week, I listened on the radio as Method Man (or someone pretending to be him) called Las Vegas radio station Hot 97.5 and threatened the DJ over the morning radio show host supposedly claiming that he was bisexual. Soon enough, callers lit up the phones there saying that there was no such claim made that morning, and the show host himself said the same. What weirded me out about the whole thing was how my coworkers turned up the radio when the show host was on the phone denying everything - they made sure to get everyone's attention by yelling in a voice that's typically reserved for calling out part names or order numbers. The next day, Method Man apparently never showed up to the radio station, though he (or whoever was impersonating him) said he would. After that, I knew something wasn't right about the whole thing and that it was all probably just cooked up to get some ratings, and then it hit me...accusations of some male celebrity being other than heterosexual always seem to draw lots of attention from the crowd that otherwise wouldn't give a damn about the latest celebrity gossip like so-and-so getting married or what's-his-face being arrested. It's sad but true. I personally think some male celebrity should admit to being non-hetero on some talk show and open fire on the first 'fan' in the crowd that goes "eww", but that's the Resident Evil 4 and ginger ale talking.


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